Caledonia Tattoo
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Caledonia Tattoo

The Story


Glenn Segard, the artist behind Caledonia Tattoo, grew up on the island of New-Caledonia, one of the most beautiful jewels in the South Pacific Ocean. Nurtured by this island paradise, Glenn developed an interest in art at a young age. In between sea bathing and wild camping trips, he found time to develop his technical abilities through courses and practice.


He soon exhausted the training resources that New-Caledonia had to offer, and moved to Europe to pursue higher education. First, he went to Paris, the capital of art, and childhood home of his father. Here he received his first degree, in Illustration.


Next, he moved to Belgium, a country with a long and internationally-recognised comic history, to receive his second degree in Illustration and Animation. His years in various art schools allowed him time to experiment, playing with different mediums. So it was here, in a cozy town in Belgium, that Glenn began to develop his own, unique, illustrative style.


Attracted by the uncharted frontier of the tattoo, by the limitless possibilities afforded through this still unrestrained medium, it was here that he learned to tattoo. He worked for a few years in Belgium, before his ancestral smell of heather and peat drew him north, to Scotland. Where he worked about a year and a half. He finally dropped is luggage in the city of Olympia in the US to move permanently and establish is studio.


The avant-garde style of Caledonia Tattoo is detail-rich, combining the strong lines of graphic illustration and street art, all with a dot work technique. Emphasising the poetic soul of illustration, each piece tells a story. 

Be unique as you are. It’s time for a Caledonia Tattoo.